Inspiring children to become resilient global citizens.
‘Start children on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it’
Proverbs 22:6

Before and After-School Childcare
We offer a daily before and after-school childcare option to our parents who need flexibility in the hours their child spends at school. In the morning, children can access a buffet-style breakfast as well as a range of games and activities. In the after-school club each week Mrs Whittle plans a range of activity sessions ranging from pottery and clay work to cooking. As the childcare is run by the school, there are no additional registration forms needed, simply email woodseavescc@stbartsmat.co.uk providing as much notice as possible.
Once we have confirmed your booking, payment will be required via ParentPay in advance of any booked sessions. If your child does not attend a session and we are notified in advance, we will refund the booking. Parents will not be allowed to accrue a negative balance. If you use any type of funded childcare please contact Mrs Steele in the school office to discuss.
The cost for sessions is as follows:
7:45am - 8:40 am - £4.50 per child
3:20 pm - 4:30 pm - £4.50 per child
3:20 pm - 5:30 pm - £9.00 per child
3:20 pm - 6:00 pm - £11.25 per child
After any extra-curricular clubs:
Club finish -5:30 pm - £ 4.50 per child
Club finish - 6:00 pm - £6.75 per child
The clubs are open Monday to Friday. If you wish for your child to have a snack during an after school session, please send a snack to school with them.