Inspiring children to become resilient global citizens.
‘Start children on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it’
Proverbs 22:6
At Woodseaves CE Primary Academy, we recognise the immense value of swimming as a crucial life skill and an important part of a well-rounded physical education curriculum. In September 2024, we had a temporary swimming pool on-site at school for a fortnight. This enabled all children to participate in daily swimming lessons. Our swimming curriculum is designed to equip all of our children, from Nursery to Year 6, with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become competent and safe swimmers.
The National Curriculum for Physical Education states that pupils should be taught to "swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres" by the end of Key Stage 2. Our swimming curriculum not only meets this requirement but goes beyond, aiming to develop a deep understanding of water safety, stroke technique, and the physical and mental benefits of swimming.
Our school context, with a predominantly rural and farming-based community, means that many of our pupils may have limited access to swimming opportunities outside of school. By providing a comprehensive swimming programme, we are ensuring that all of our pupils, regardless of their background or prior experience, have the chance to learn this essential life skill.
Furthermore, our school's vision of "educating the children for wisdom and knowledge to ensure that we equip all of our adults and children with how to live well in God's world" aligns perfectly with the aspirations of our swimming curriculum. By teaching our pupils to swim with confidence and competence, we are empowering them to engage with a wide range of physical activities, develop a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately, thrive in their future endeavours.
Children's feedback on our swimming provision:
I liked that we could swim together and have some fun too.
I learnt how to swim. I’ve never been to swimming lessons before and now I know how.
I understand the strokes now rather than just swimming.
I used what I learnt in school swimming about breaststroke when I went swimming with my family.
It’s made me more confident in swimming. I’m sure I’ll be better when I go swimming again.