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British Values

British values are embedded throughout our curriculum, the key aspects of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of others are fundamental aspects of our school’s ethos and values.



Our school serves our children and families, therefore pupil voice is incredibly important to us. We collect pupil voice regularly, through discussion, workshops and our School Council members. The elections of members of the school council are based solely on pupil votes as are some whole school decisions such as the changes we made to our house point team names.


Pupils are encouraged to engage in debates and express their views across the curriculum. We are proud that our children are driven by their commitment to issues such as the environment and offer their thoughts on such matters. Our history curriculum includes focusing on democracy in different periods of time and the impact historical events have had on the world. 


We enrich the curriculum further by visiting public institutions such as the Houses of Parliament and through workshops focusing on issues of democracy including are author workshop with Barbara Michelhill on her book ‘Secret Suffragette’.


Individual Liberty

Pupil voice, choice and influence on the direction of school development supports children in developing their understanding of civil liberty. The strong, caring ethos of our school does not tolerate bullying or any infringement on liberty. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms through PSHE lessons and coverage as well as discussing issues relating to the texts and topics we are covering.


Respect and Tolerance

Our core values, covered during Collective Worship include the teaching of respect for individual differences and to challenge discrimination.  We enhance understanding of other cultures and traditions through our curriculum to ensure a depth of understanding of different cultures and faiths which builds over time.


Rule of Law

Children’s understanding is developed through class discussions and curriculum focus such as Class 3 Crime and Punishment through time focus during the Summer term.  PSHE lessons also further embed the rule of law in the UK, with lessons focusing on drugs and legal implications amongst other areas of law.



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