Inspiring children to become resilient global citizens.
‘Start children on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it’
Proverbs 22:6
Pupil Premium Support Programme
In this section
Haberdashers’ Adams have partnered with Atom Learning to provide children who are eligible for pupil premium with a free Atom Home learning account (usual cost £575 per year!). Atom Home covers all KS2 topics in maths, English and science. The account also includes access to personalised SATs resources and 11+ practice for children who are planning to take the grammar school entrance test.
If your child is currently in years 3-6 and has been eligible for income-based free school meals at any point in the last six years, please register via the link below (you do not need to be planning to apply to Haberdashers’ Adams to be eligible). Your child’s primary school will be required to provide proof of eligibility for pupil premium as part of this process.
Registration link:​
Please email Kate Hibbs, Head of Outreach - with any questions.