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Autumn Term


 Inspire  |  Respect | Achieve



Together we will create a respectful, caring and safe learning community that inspires all to achieve and flourish.

Here at Woodseaves we are educating the children for wisdom and knowledge to ensure that we equip all of our adults and children with how to live well in God’s world with the promise of Jesus to live life in all its fullness. We pray for our children from their first day until their last that they are able to live out God’s wisdom in everyday practical life so that they will do good to all those who need it and embrace diversity in order to become resilient global citizens.


Our vision underpins everything we do at Woodseaves CE Primary Academy. Together our staff, children and their families and our local community work together to ensure that our small rural primary school creates the right atmosphere for our children to flourish in all that they do. We are fortunate to have a wonderful setting, surrounded by fields, where we build the foundations for our children to have a fantastic start to their lives.


We strive to inspire our children in their journey to achieve, all whilst developing respect for all of those around us and enabling them to feel safe and cared for. Please take a look around our website, if you would like to find out more about our school, please get in touch to arrange a visit. 




Please view our latest Newsletters below.

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